
The Claims and Credentials service, deployed with Docker, uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of API requests. This page provides an overview of two common HTTP errors that you may encounter while using the Claims and Credentials API: 400 Bad Request and 500 Internal Server Error.

400 Bad Request

The HTTP 400 status code indicates that the server could not process the request due to client error. This error typically occurs when the request is malformed or missing required parameters.

Possible reasons for encountering a 400 Bad Request error in the Claims and Credentials API include:

  • Missing or invalid request parameters.

  • Invalid payload format or structure.

  • Authorization issues, such as an expired or invalid authentication token.

  • Requesting an unsupported API endpoint or resource.

When you receive a 400 error response, double-check the request parameters, payload, and headers to ensure they are correct and meet the API's requirements. Review the API documentation for the specific endpoint you are using to verify the expected request format.

If you are working with a Docker deployment, ensure that your Docker containers are up and running and that the necessary environment variables or configuration files are properly set.

500 Internal Server Error

The HTTP 500 status code indicates that an unexpected error occurred on the server-side, preventing it from fulfilling the request. This error is typically caused by a server configuration issue, database problem, or a bug in the API implementation.

If you encounter a 500 Internal Server Error while using the Claims and Credentials API, it is recommended to take the following steps:

  1. Retry the request after a brief interval. Sometimes, the error may be temporary, and a subsequent request can succeed.

  2. If the error persists, check the status of your Docker containers and ensure that all services are running properly. You can use the following command to view the status of your Docker containers:

    docker ps

    Make sure all necessary services are up and running without any errors or warnings.

  3. If the issue persists and you believe it is not related to your request or environment, contact the support team for assistance. Provide them with the relevant details, including the request that triggered the error and any error messages or codes received.

It is important to note that while the Claims and Credentials service primarily uses these two HTTP error codes, there may in the future be other error codes specific to certain API endpoints or scenarios. Always refer to the API documentation for comprehensive information on error handling and specific error codes.

Last updated